Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to get close to your child

The problem of conflict between fathers and children stems not only because of the different values of these generations, but also because of the fact that children simply are not fluent in their parents, and those - their children.

And all because the children often grow up without proper attention of parents and grow up isolated from their personalities. To avoid this, you need to follow a few tips is not difficult.
Play with your children

Game for children - one of the main forms of pastime, and the main field to express themselves, as well as the development of various skills. That is, the famous phrase "what is life - the game" for children in more than relevant. Therefore, if you will take part in their games, you do not just become closer to them, but they will become better understood.

There's nothing complicated, you only need to comply with one rule: playing with your child, you have to play themselves. Do not imitate a game, do not condescend, and it is playing. It should just be a kid again yourself. Play with your daughter or son as an equal joy and enthusiasm, without a giveaway. Not startes ahead of time. Unleash your inner child, and this will help you become a good parent. No wonder many psychologists point out that the ability of adults to play in any game - one of the main features of mental health.
Tell them about his childhood

Very often on an emotional level, the child perceives his parents as a continuing part of the world around him, which was, is and will be.

Recognize the fact that mom and dad, too, were once like him now, experienced similar feelings, faced the same problems for the child is not easy.

Herein lies the cause of frequent misunderstandings between the generations. Try to convey to your child the idea that you were too small, too, were a child.
Set the connection between your child and be who you were many years ago. Tell him about his childhood experiences, about their children's discoveries, victories, how you communicate with your friends.
More often tell the children about their work

Tell the child you think about what you do. Not forgetting the details, not simplify, not nadumyvaya. Let the child know you are on the one hand, understand that you - not only parents, but another member of the company, worker, specialist. In this way you will not only open for a child something new in itself, but also to prepare him to adulthood. The child gradually learns how to make money.
Engage in co-creation

Engage with your child's creative occupations. First, it is - a great pleasure. Secondly, it develops the child, and thirdly, what the devil is not joking: what if you open in a new vocation? If your child has a tendency to sing - sing along, the main thing - leave him the lead role. If you love to draw - draw a picture together, and not limited by genres and techniques, try everything - from soft-tip pen drawings to watercolor sketches.
Your child loves to write - invent fairy tales together. Created together as often as possible, and you will see how useful it will affect the personality of your child and enhance your relationship.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

How to behave on a first date?

It all begins with the first date. It can result in a long novel or so and left only flirtation. The main thing is that it was not the last ...

Even if you do not look far ahead and plan for a serious relationship, self-esteem requires that the first date was continued. Intrigued by a man, take you to the door, to say the magic word: "When we see each other again?" Of course, it is impossible to calculate with mathematical certainty that it can bring together almost strangers. Yet, on the basis of the characteristics of male and female psychology, I would venture to give some tips on the case, if during your first date, you do not have time to sort out their feelings and need to meet this lovely man again. And then another, and e

Agree that men are usually invited to visit the women who they somehow attracted. And really what it is - hair color or shade the eyes, curvy shape or angular leanness, - depends on their tastes and preferences. And if for some - the reason the stronger sex has ceased to pay attention to you, look for the cause in itself. Urgent try to change that. More often talk to his reflection in the mirror: "I forbid you to my bad attitude!" The lady who loves himself will be able to infect this love of all men within a kilometer. "Selfishness", as is known, begins with a gift. In - the first, look through your wardrobe. Anything that does not cause vivid emotions, throw away without regret. I buy little things, which have long dreamed of. In - the second, let you in the bedroom is always a bouquet of flowers is a holiday atmosphere. One last thing: Get in the habit before bedtime to remember that this day you made a pleasant for the most charming woman on earth - a favorite.

The main rule on a date to watch each other's eyes. It would seem that may be easier - watch each other's eyes? But most of us avoid a long delay on someone look - in fact too frank, emotional contact frightening. Modern people have forgotten how to openly express their likes and dislikes. Therefore, a woman who is able, without stopping, without embarrassment, unable to conceal his joy, passion and promise to look into his eyes, never turn into a "passing adventure". These eyes can not forget.

If the first date we owe their appearance, the second - the ability to carry on a conversation. Keep in mind: most men hate women's style of verbal communication, especially the habit of jumping from subject to subject. Men prefer monologues. And God forbid they stop in the middle! No partner need only listen to, while maintaining a very interested look and only sometimes timidly inserting questions on the topic. All men, of course, if they do not work in the security services, are very fond of talking about themselves, their achievements and acquisitions, sometimes it's even like to boast. And the way they unknowingly give a signal: "Look, before you a real man." Clever woman catches a hint of summer - and praise, and endorse, and sympathize .... Only Compliments should ring true. On a lot do not tell: "Well, are able to cook venison in a French sauce, you know three foreign languages, yes, recently received an award for the work of "Miss Charm itself. And no problems, failures and disease. <

Even on the first date need to fondle each other. As if by accident. For example, a little tap his feet under the table, pause for a moment his hand, send a kiss, otpeyte wine from his glass. Most Bringing weasel - dance, so never miss this opportunity. Even the vagaries of nature, pay for their own benefit, for example, a true gentleman never refuses priobnyat frozen lady's shoulders. But keep a watchful eye to these gentle maneuvers strictly dose, and then the man the whole evening will be hard to guess: "I agree or not?"

Sexual life by the rules

10 rules of sexual life

1. Resolve all conflicts and cases to bed, but not in it.

2. Should avoid sexual intimacy after a heavy meal. It is known that sexual intercourse is related to blood flow to certain parts of the body. And if, tightly eating, you call the blood flow to the digestive tract, then deprive it of blood genitals.

3. Prior sexual intimacy need help. It has long been believed that crowded bladder reduces sexual sensitivity.

4. Do not forget to take a shower proximity, dirty and unpleasant body odor repellent.

5. Do not use artificial devices for stimulation - vibrators, artificial penis and so on - until then, until they were satisfied with each other "live".

6. Introducing the penis should be slowly and carefully, rather than cavalry assaults.

7. If one partner is ill or tired, he needs to provide a passive role. In the end, he acquired.

8. Do not forget about defense.

9. Try to relax and enjoy intimacy with your lover.

10. After the sexual act does not repel a partner, do not turn away.

Sex without orgasm - the way to the surgeon

Sexual intercourse without orgasm ended, it turns out, is a cause of serious stress for the female organism. Scientists say that the woman did not reach orgasm, not only with psychological distress, but also risk their health. And if the psychological aspect of the question as to why a woman sexual relationship with a man who can not bring her to orgasm, you can still set aside, this is the theme of health, which deprives us of the lack of orgasm, to be discussed.

Surgeons warned that the longer a woman lives inferior sex lives, the more it adds the work of this most surgeons. And this is not a joke. This fact has a rather simple explanation: the excitation is accompanied by an active formulation of estrogen, which fall in the blood and rushed to the genitals and breast cancer. After an orgasm within 10 minutes all the processes in a woman's body are normalized, but when it happens there is no stagnation of blood saturated with estrogen. This in turn leads to the development of mastitis and increase the area of the myometrium, contributing to the formation of fibroids.

Scientists supported by fears of surgeons, assuring us that almost 70% of women with uterine myoma had problems with sexual life and suffered from a lack of orgasm. Thus, women should remember that sexual intercourse should end with an orgasm, not only your partner but also your own. And men need to be concerned about the health of their partner and give it a full sex life.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Erectile dysfunction - a medical term which is synonymous with impotence. By erectile dysfunction inability to understand the reach and (or) to maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity. This term, proposed by the National Institute of Health and the U.S. in 1992, adopted by international organizations, Urology and Andrology, includes not only the failure to hold the penis is erect, but the breach of an orgasm, and a weakening of libido - sex drive. Erectile dysfunction may be suspected if persistent or recurrent inability to attain and (or) keep an erection occurs in at least 3 months.

Exact figures for the incidence of erectile dysfunction among the male population is very high. According to research conducted at leading universities in Europe and the U.S. prevalence of erectile dysfunction following:
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Risk factors for erectile dysfunction, except age, are the various somatic diseases. These include:

* Diabetes
* Hypertension
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* Nervous and mental strain

Erectile dysfunction is considered one of the most common male sexual dysfunctions.

In the Massachusetts study on the aging male (Massachusetts Male Aging Study - MMAS, 1994) found that 52% of men aged 40 to 70 years in varying degrees, suffered from erectile dysfunction. This complete lack of erection detected in 10% of men, moderate erectile dysfunction - 25%, minimum - 17%. 40% of men aged 40 to 50 years suffer from what some erectile dysfunction.

Among men aged 50 to 60 years erectile dysfunction found almost half of the surveyed (48-57%), and in the older age group, the disorder affects 70% of men. The complete erectile dysfunction was diagnosed in 5% of men aged under 50 years, and in the older age group (70 years and older), this figure rises to 15%.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

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ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION - in search of internal failure.

With this disorder in the adverse moments of life faced by virtually every man. This is not a reason to put a cross on his personal life. Experts say: combating erectile dysfunction in most cases doomed to win. So, until victory!

Right to misfire

The fact that the main male sexual organ - the brain, known long ago. It awakened in him the desire and generates pulses that make the entire sexual system function. Chief analyzer, of course, the visual - a man loves his eyes. But from the sound, olfactory, tactile depend very much. And the whole complexity of this system gives the right man to be a man loving and beloved, not sex-machine.

From early childhood, each representative of a strong sex begins to form a certain image of women, to which a man feels attracted. All that matters is the appearance, demeanor, voice, character, style of thinking ... All this mass of information processed by the brain and, if a woman is "blended" in these criteria, you can count on the erection of the penis. Erection process - from vision to filling with blood the corpora cavernosa of the penis - is extremely complex and multistage. This is a fascinating complexity, a physiological anthem element senses! That is why simple solutions to getting rid of erectile dysfunction does not exist. Violations are possible at any level. And the reasons for failures in bed with men far more than he can imagine.

In search of internal failure

Erectile dysfunction - not always a distinct disease, it can be a symptom of some other malfunction in the body. In the most simple and harmless case signals the failure of sexual fatigue, lack of sleep. Men think that he is ready to perform the conjugal duty, but in fact it is not. And sometimes even worse. Increased setbacks on the front of an intimate show of the devastating effect of atherosclerosis, the violation of blood microcirculation and neuropathy in developing diabetes, a failure in the endocrine system - the level of male sex hormones dropped to critical levels.

In a word, to restore potency, it is necessary to correct failing health. First will be examined with an internal disease, which led to erectile dysfunction, as well, girls - and girls later.

Modern approach

Andrology argue that the problem of erectile dysfunction today is practically solved. Until recently it was believed that the basis for most of these disorders are psychogenic disorders, which are ill-treated or require lifelong therapy. In fact, these patients only 10%. They can be cured quickly and qualitatively with the help of psychotherapy. The remaining patients will require pharmaceutical, and at their failure - surgical methods. Psychotherapy is used here only as a supporting methodology.

Until now, some "experts" to crave their patients to the needle, choosing injectable drugs, which are introduced in the syringe body of the penis (their ancestor was a memorable papaverine). About 10 years ago it seemed the salvation, and today - the barbarism and masochism in one bottle. However, such drugs are sold and used. Do not settle for this "therapy"!

First, the right to introduce a needle in the corpus cavernosum, and even myself is not so simple. The physician must teach the patient. Think, are you prepared mentally to such a lecture course? Secondly, it is unsafe. Can the so-called long-acting pharmacological erection lasts more than 4 hours and very painful and fraught with urgent and complex operation. Third, with each injection is injured more tissues of the penis. The pain after the needle is sometimes so strong that it will take analgesic tablet. In addition, you have at hand should be a special drug that should be taken to derive from painful erection. If this does not help, will have to interrupt a romantic date and urgently call doctor.

Among the unwanted medicines of the same class include suppositories (small candles) for introduction into the urethra. Erection something will come, but the procedure is very painful and can discourage any thought of sex.

Keep in mind: papaverine and other vasodilators pills do not work in the required direction, contrary to popular rumor. And they help you personally, then you are in 10% of patients with psychogenic erectile dysfunction, and in the easiest form. This includes many "male" means a plant-based, and homeopathic.

Be careful with hormonal drugs on the basis of testosterone or its esters. Without a doctor's authorization and control of their use is strictly prohibited, whatever may be said to you in a fitness club or gym! Appointed following a special survey of Andrology, they really can be very effective in the primary deficiency of this sex hormone in the blood. If testosterone levels initially corresponds to the norm, male hormones can trigger pharmacological castration. Regardless of whether the pills they or injections. As the legacy of former medical helplessness on drugstore shelves can still see himkolinovye ointment. Their effect is greatly exaggerated advertisements.

Nobel decision

With the invention of the so-called Phosphodiesterase inhibitors cure for erectile dysfunction has ceased to be an unsolvable problem, not in vain that their creators have won the Nobel Prize! The mechanism of action of such levitra online funds due to the inhibition of the activity of particular enzyme - fosfodiestrazy 5-th type that provides relaxation of smooth muscles in the walls of the arteries that provide blood flow to the tissues of the penis. The result - the emergence and maintenance of erection. The first representative of this class of drugs - Viagra. Today it has competitors, significantly surpassing its predecessor in many ways, such as Levitra. This is a more active drug, so to achieve the desired effect requires a much smaller dose of the drug. And that means - fewer side effects. And these effects are relatively rare and do not represent any danger to life and health of men.

Levitra today - fastest product. The effect occurs within 10 min after administration, allowing you to maintain the naturalness of sexual activity. It is known that in 2 / 3 of the exact time of occurrence and the implementation of the innermost desires unpredictable neither male nor female. Levitra works from 8 to 12 hours, during which men and women can enjoy each other as much as they want.

Inhibitors FDE 5 firmly ranked first among all the existing treatments for erectile dysfunction in the world. And this is no accident. After all, they are highly effective and are valid only when there is sexual desire in men, which is absolutely natural and absolutely comfortable.

Although inhibitors fosfodiestrazy and guarantee success (even sverhuspeh) in bed, you must know when to stop. Do not overreact to demonstrate their masculine power at the expense of quantity and frequency of contacts.

Follow the recommended medical dose. And please note: phosphodiesterase inhibitors can not be taken with nitroglycerin, sustakom and other nitrates.

Sweet pill

Stereotypes, encouraged by the media, obliges men be some sort of sexual monster. Do not succumb to provocations! And the jokes should not be the source of the complexes and neurasthenia. Small medical mystery: healthy women inherently less sexually active than men, if only because testosterone levels are at least 5 times lower. And everything else - just unenlightened prejudice the public.

Friday, September 18, 2009

If the baby cries

With crying babies reported that they need. They cry when hungry, tired, or lie in a wet diaper. Carefully listening to her crying baby, you'll be able to distinguish a request for assistance from a mere whining before falling asleep.

Most babies cry a lot. Studies have shown that a 2-week baby is crying about 1 hour and 45 minutes per day and 6-week - about 3 hours.

Sometimes I cry for no reason?

When a child from 3 to 12 weeks, he cries often, even if the diaper dry and he was not tired. This usually occurs before dinner. Doctors believe that such a cry caused by overexposure to experience during the day. Usually, at liberty to weep, the child quickly and deeply asleep.

Why is the baby crying?

Understand why your child is crying, help the following list of possible causes:

* Tired?
* Hungry?
* Feel uncomfortable (he's hot or cold, wet or dirty diaper, etc.)?
* Bored?
* Sick?

Crying from hunger - it is usually abrupt cries on low notes, they then become louder, then calms down. Dissatisfied with the weeping and angry sounds, baby cries persistently and with chagrin. Cry of pain or suffering, usually begins abruptly, with a loud and prolonged shriek, which, after a pause followed by a drawling howl.

How to calm your baby?

In the first months of life the best way - as soon as possible remove the cause of dissatisfaction with the child. In this age of increased attention will only benefit the baby.

First of all, if the child is wet and hungry, change diapers and feed the baby. If the lament sounded a note of panic, check to see whether undid the button on the slider, or, perhaps, velcro diapers regard to the child's body. If the child is dry and well fed, but continues to cry, you can try one of the following methods:

* Rock the baby in her arms or in a rocking chair.
* Gently pat on the back or chest, or stroke the head
* Walk with your child in the hands or roll it into the stroller.
* Sing the song of the child.
* Swaddle baby (gently wrap it in absorbent blanket).
* Use any rhythmic sounds (turn on the fan or quiet, rhythmic music).
* Encourage your child to belch and get rid of the backlog of the jeep.

Sometimes, children just need to leave alone. Many children fall asleep with tears, and they fall asleep faster, if not for long to leave them alone. If a child is really tired, he would not cry too long.

What to do if a child does not cease to cry?

If, despite all your efforts, the child does not calm down, and crying sounds strange, perhaps, the baby fell ill. Measure its temperature. If the rectal temperature of 38 ° and above it may be an infection. Try unswathe child and measure its temperature 20 minutes later. If the temperature is still high, call your doctor immediately.

The more relaxed you are behaving, the easier it will reassure the child. Play the cries of a baby is very tiring, but if you start to get angry, it only exacerbates the problem. If you do not manage, ask another family member or friend to help you.

Do not shake your baby and do not pull it. Strong shaking can cause blindness in infants, concussion and even death.

If a child has colic

Children suffering from colic, cry more than others, and their cry is different from the usual. It is louder and more like a squeal. Sometimes during a crying child presses the arms and legs to the body, as if in pain. Sometimes he pulls the limbs and strained. Child may even turn red from crying.

What causes colic is unknown. Perhaps the child a stomach ache. Typically, colic starts in age from 2 to 6 and weeks pass, and to 4-6 months.

If your child has colic - it's not your fault. But you can try to change the mode and method of feeding. American Association of Family Physicians advises:

* If the last feeding was 2 hours, feed the baby. Try to feed him more often but smaller portions.
* If you use an artificial diet, it is possible that the feeds should be replaced. Sometimes it helps the transition to a mixture containing hydrolyzed protein. You can also improve the situation, if before it is needed to heat the bottle up to body temperature.
* If feeding takes less than 20 minutes, and children like to suck, try to put on a bottle nipple with a hole of smaller diameter.
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Age-related changes


Starting with the so-called middle-age body increasingly difficult to cope with the daily burden, physical and sometimes mental abilities begin to fade. In developed countries, life expectancy is more than 70 years. In fact, people can live and 120 years, but this prevented failures in the various body systems that occur in the second half of life. Age-related changes lead to chronic and, in some cases, fatal disease. The most vulnerable to cardio-vascular, digestive, excretory, nervous and reproductive systems. Distribution of "senile" diseases are Alzheimer's disease, osteoarthritis, cancer, diabetes, depression and ischemic heart disease.


The peak of growth and maturation of the human body has approximately 25 years. Then comes maturity and aging - the natural processes that follow the rapid blossoming of youth. Some age-related changes are carried heavily, but not always render a feeble old man. Features of the aging process due to health, lifestyle and genetic predisposition. With age, most often observed the following changes:

* Hearing impairment (particularly affected the perception of high tones).
* Increasing the number of adipose tissue in relation to the muscle (the ratio could rise by almost 30%). Layer of subcutaneous fat, previously distributed evenly throughout the body, now thin, and fat accumulates in the abdominal area. A person loses the ability to rapidly consume fats (including cholesterol and fat-soluble substance), and they begin to accumulate in the body.
* Reduction of water content in the body. This leads to a deterioration of absorption of water-soluble substances. The body produces less saliva and other hydrating fluids.
* Deterioration of the liver and kidneys. Because of this, begin to accumulate harmful products of metabolism.
* The deterioration of the digestive system by reducing the development of gastric juice.
* The weakening of muscles, the deterioration of motor coordination, decreased mobility, dexterity and flexibility.
* Reduced development of sex hormones, the attenuation of sexual function.
* The gradual weakening of taste and smell.
* Changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems lead to a deterioration in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to various organs and systems of the body.
* The deterioration of the nervous system. The signals of the brain are transmitted is not as effective. Reflexes slow, deteriorating memory and ability to perceive new information.
* Reduction of bone density and strength of bones.
* A gradual decrease in hormone production, especially thyroid and sex glands.
* Blurred vision, increased risk of eye diseases (eg, macular degeneration).
* The deterioration of natural production of vitamin D under the action of sunlight.
* Reduction of formation of proteins, reduced bone and muscle mass, increased risk of osteoporosis.

Causes and symptoms

There are several theories to explain the aging process. In each case a leading role for a particular factor (or combination).

* Programmed aging ( "theory of biological clocks"). Aging of cells programmed at the genetic level. The number of possible divisions laid once and for all. When the cells begin to die faster than recover, authorities could not cope with the tasks assigned to them vital functions.
* The genetic theory. In the cells of the presence of substances that destroy them at the chromosomal level.
* Structural Theory. With age, deteriorating condition of the connective tissue: from the fact that it becomes less firm and elastic, irreversible changes occur.
* The theory of free radicals. The most popular theory that as a result of chemical reactions in the body cells formed free radicals that cause damage and cell death. Over time, the number of dead and dormant cells is growing. Because of this disrupted the whole organism.
* Immunological theory. With age, the immune system wears out. The body becomes more susceptible to infectious diseases and disorders that eventually lead to death. In addition, due to weakening of the immune system run autoimmune reaction: the body recognizes its own cells as alien and he kills them.


With age-related changes involve numerous diseases. Common methods of detecting them not, but examination of the patient, the general and biochemical blood tests help to identify problem areas. Older people at the beginning of the disease often occur in worn shape. The survey must be appointed in the presence of these symptoms:

* Decreased appetite
* Confusion
* Incontinence
* Dizziness
* Weight loss
* Cases fall


The doctors almost always prescribe symptomatic treatment of diseases associated with aging. Approximately two-thirds of people over 65 years (among them more women than men) have resorted to using drugs. Older people often take painkillers, diuretics, sedatives and psychotropic drugs and drugs for cardiovascular diseases and antibiotics.

Postmenopausal women to address the symptoms of age-related changes are usually appointed by hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with estrogens. In addition, frequently prescribed drugs and progesterone. Prove that HRT helps to preserve mental abilities.


Aging is inevitable, but the infirmities of age can be avoided. Even in very old people can continue to lead active lifestyles. In order to prevent or alleviate the symptoms of chronic diseases, need the support of relatives, friends and doctors, as well as proper nutrition, healthy lifestyles and ability to cope with stress.

Alternative therapies

Nutritional Supplements

Older people are encouraged to take high-quality vitamin and mineral complexes. In old age is often a shortage of B vitamins, vitamins A and C, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, chromium and other trace elements. As in old age reduces the production of gastric juice, it is better to take vitamins in gelatin capsules, which are easily digested. In some vitamin complexes contain enzymes to improve digestion.

Antioxidants help eliminate the damage caused by free radicals, which are considered one of the causes of aging. Antioxidants are also useful for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cataracts and glaucoma.

The list of substances that are antioxidants:

* Vitamin E (daily norm - 400-1000 IU). Protects cell membranes from damage. May help prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
* Selenium (the recommended dose - 50 mg 2 times a day). May reduce the risk of cancer.
* Beta-carotene (daily norm - 25000-40000 IU). Used as adjuvant treatment for cancer, colds, flu, arthritis, and to strengthen the immune system.
* Vitamin C (1000-2000 mg / day). In large doses can cause diarrhea. When side effects decrease dosage.
* Other useful supplements for age-related diseases:
* Complex vitamins B12 / B. According to studies, vitamin B12 improves memory and eliminates mental health problems (confusion and depression).
* Coenzyme Q10. It is effective for the treatment of heart disease. 3 / 4 of patients with heart disease are deficient in this enzyme.

Hormonal preparations

The following hormonal treatments used for prevention and treatment of diseases associated with aging of the organism. Before applying you should consult with a specialist.

DHEA normalizes hormones, helps to restore muscle mass and strengthen bone tissue and the prevention of heart disease.

Melatonin is used to treat insomnia, sexual dysfunction, viral and bacterial infections. Acceptance of this hormone reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Somatotropin (growth hormone) normalizes blood glucose levels, strengthens bone, cartilage and muscle tissue, helps to burn fat.


Garlic (Allium sativa) is used to prevent and treat heart disease, improves complexion and skin condition. Garlic normalizes the liver and digestive system, lowers blood pressure.

Eleutherococcus (Eleutherococcus senticosus) stimulates the adrenal glands and the immune system. There is evidence that it helps to eliminate problems caused by stress. Siberian ginseng enhances mental and physical activity, prevent memory loss, chronic fatigue syndrome and immune dysfunction.

Source proantotsianidov are pine bark, bones and skin of grapes. These compounds are useful for the prevention of cancer and eye diseases.

In Ayurveda, aging is explained by the fact that the man begins to dominate Vata dosha - the driest of the three doshas (basic life forces). Man becomes thin, loses fluid, becomes more and more nervous, anxious and fearful, complains of poor sleep and appetite. To correct this condition using food (bananas, almonds, avocados, coconuts) and fitodrug Gotha-Cola, or pennywort (Centella asiatica), strengthens the immune system and restore the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain cells. Pennywort is used to treat loss of memory, anxiety and insomnia.

In Chinese medicine, aging is explained by a lack of yin. Older people are encouraged to have "moisturizing products. These include millet, barley soup, tofu, golden beans, oats, spirulina, potatoes, black sesame seeds, walnuts, flaxseed. You can use tonics: extract from antlers of a deer, weed seeds, sprouts of Chinese foxglove, "Longevity soup, mussels and chicken.


To increase life expectancy and improve its quality in old age need to eat right, lead an active lifestyle, avoid stress and give up bad habits. Physical exercise strengthens bone tissue, improves appetite, digestion, emotional feelings and circulation.

Drinking plenty of fluids can maintain healthy skin, good digestion and timely withdrawal from the organism of decay products. On the day you should drink up to 8 glasses of water, along with herbal tea, diluted fruit and vegetable juices, consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits with high content of liquid.

Due to the weakening of taste receptors older people are often added to eat more salt. This leads to an increase in blood pressure and lack of useful substances in the body. Consumption of sugar also increased. As a sugar substitute can be used seaweed and honey (in small quantities).

Alcohol, nicotine and caffeine are potentially dangerous, so their need to partially or completely abandoned.

Recommended foods rich in fiber but low in fat and complex carbohydrates (eg cereals). If it is difficult to chew, drink more drinks containing proteins, milk cereals, fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
Rx Louisiana

A man of middle age: how to avoid the crisis?

Not every man has reached middle age crisis. So, what will be "mid-life" depends on many factors: nature, life experiences, as well as social and economic status of the person.

What you need to easily survive the average age?

* Ability to solve problems. Seasons carefree youth have passed. The average age of a person is faced with many challenges, but his experience is richer. Certainty and discretion, who had come over the years, helping to successfully deal with adversity.
* Optimism. People who think that a glass half full rather than half empty, at any age feel happy.
* Communication skills. Good relationships with family members, friends and colleagues - a pledge of good health. Spend more time with the people. And they will support you and during middle age and later.
* Education. The higher level of education, the less risk in the prime of life fall into crisis. Educated people more inclined to believe trouble temporary circumstances. He did not see them as insurmountable obstacles. However, the diploma is no substitute for intuition, based on life experience. Continue to train the mental faculties, always learning something new.
* Experience. The experience acquired in his youth, in middle age can help to realize their success (or bad luck). Change of employment, relocation, early marriage or divorce - all this in the end makes you bolder and wiser.
* Health. Healthy lifestyle helps to go safely through middle age. Watch for weight, give up bad habits. As they say, you so many years on how you feel. When you stand on the threshold of middle age, to feel young and energetic is especially important.

The crisis - not necessarily satellite middle age. In "mid-life" advantages. Try to be optimistic and keep yourself in shape. Then you can enjoy life at any age.
Rx Utah