Friday, September 18, 2009

If the baby cries

With crying babies reported that they need. They cry when hungry, tired, or lie in a wet diaper. Carefully listening to her crying baby, you'll be able to distinguish a request for assistance from a mere whining before falling asleep.

Most babies cry a lot. Studies have shown that a 2-week baby is crying about 1 hour and 45 minutes per day and 6-week - about 3 hours.

Sometimes I cry for no reason?

When a child from 3 to 12 weeks, he cries often, even if the diaper dry and he was not tired. This usually occurs before dinner. Doctors believe that such a cry caused by overexposure to experience during the day. Usually, at liberty to weep, the child quickly and deeply asleep.

Why is the baby crying?

Understand why your child is crying, help the following list of possible causes:

* Tired?
* Hungry?
* Feel uncomfortable (he's hot or cold, wet or dirty diaper, etc.)?
* Bored?
* Sick?

Crying from hunger - it is usually abrupt cries on low notes, they then become louder, then calms down. Dissatisfied with the weeping and angry sounds, baby cries persistently and with chagrin. Cry of pain or suffering, usually begins abruptly, with a loud and prolonged shriek, which, after a pause followed by a drawling howl.

How to calm your baby?

In the first months of life the best way - as soon as possible remove the cause of dissatisfaction with the child. In this age of increased attention will only benefit the baby.

First of all, if the child is wet and hungry, change diapers and feed the baby. If the lament sounded a note of panic, check to see whether undid the button on the slider, or, perhaps, velcro diapers regard to the child's body. If the child is dry and well fed, but continues to cry, you can try one of the following methods:

* Rock the baby in her arms or in a rocking chair.
* Gently pat on the back or chest, or stroke the head
* Walk with your child in the hands or roll it into the stroller.
* Sing the song of the child.
* Swaddle baby (gently wrap it in absorbent blanket).
* Use any rhythmic sounds (turn on the fan or quiet, rhythmic music).
* Encourage your child to belch and get rid of the backlog of the jeep.

Sometimes, children just need to leave alone. Many children fall asleep with tears, and they fall asleep faster, if not for long to leave them alone. If a child is really tired, he would not cry too long.

What to do if a child does not cease to cry?

If, despite all your efforts, the child does not calm down, and crying sounds strange, perhaps, the baby fell ill. Measure its temperature. If the rectal temperature of 38 ° and above it may be an infection. Try unswathe child and measure its temperature 20 minutes later. If the temperature is still high, call your doctor immediately.

The more relaxed you are behaving, the easier it will reassure the child. Play the cries of a baby is very tiring, but if you start to get angry, it only exacerbates the problem. If you do not manage, ask another family member or friend to help you.

Do not shake your baby and do not pull it. Strong shaking can cause blindness in infants, concussion and even death.

If a child has colic

Children suffering from colic, cry more than others, and their cry is different from the usual. It is louder and more like a squeal. Sometimes during a crying child presses the arms and legs to the body, as if in pain. Sometimes he pulls the limbs and strained. Child may even turn red from crying.

What causes colic is unknown. Perhaps the child a stomach ache. Typically, colic starts in age from 2 to 6 and weeks pass, and to 4-6 months.

If your child has colic - it's not your fault. But you can try to change the mode and method of feeding. American Association of Family Physicians advises:

* If the last feeding was 2 hours, feed the baby. Try to feed him more often but smaller portions.
* If you use an artificial diet, it is possible that the feeds should be replaced. Sometimes it helps the transition to a mixture containing hydrolyzed protein. You can also improve the situation, if before it is needed to heat the bottle up to body temperature.
* If feeding takes less than 20 minutes, and children like to suck, try to put on a bottle nipple with a hole of smaller diameter.
Rx Maryland

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